Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The everyday battle

"God will give us the victory, but we must be willing to fight"

   I might sound a hypocrite if I say I haven't done a few of what's written above but as much as I want to get myself away from committing these misdeeds I find it hard to go against what I feel like I should do. Sometimes because I usually put my personal interest in the front line before anything else, I tend to make actions and then think about what I've done instead of thinking first before I make an action. Just part of an inner conflict that we face every single day.

   Yes or No??? A question that never sounded unfamiliar to anyone. Two answers that can make a better or worse decision in our life. I have made wrong and right decisions in life and I could never be proud of the wrong ones but I know for sure that I've learned something from how I make my decisions. God knows that we face this inner battle everyday, we decide whether to pray or not, to go to church today or just go next week, judge someone by how they look or just shut your mouth, answer back to your parents or hold back and myriad of options laid in front of us and he's also aware of how hard it is to yes when your nature tells you to say no or say no when your nature tells you to say yes.

   At the end of the day, we know to ourselves what right path to take, it just needs a little thinking and a little faith. We are surely to committ mistakes as we go along our way but if we are willing to improve our lives the best way can then nothing or no one can ever stop us from doing what we know is right and doing what is right is the best decision a man could ever make.

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